What is Web Writing?

Web writing is a type of content writing for websites. In it we write content for websites. This content writing style is different from writing style in literature. In other writing styles we use different types of hierarchies, word limits and vocabulary.

Specifically for “Web Writing” as a type of content writing has different basic thumb rules:

Inverted Pyramid

This is a format of writing which is mostly used in news reporting. Inverted format is also the key for web writing. In this format we have to write the most important points first then slowly go towards the least important points. Inverted Pyramid format serves most important information, facts and figures at top or in start keeping the least important served at bottom or end.


In web writing content has to be very concise to reduce user’s or reader’s efforts of filtering important information from extra information. If a point can be written and explained in only 80 words then it should not be extended to 160 words with usage of extra words.


In web writing language has to be very simple and easy to understand in just one read. Simple sentences should be used instead of complex sentences. Technical words can be used but they should be obvious for readers of the genre or topic.


In web content writing hierarchy plays a major role. As the nature of readers or users of this type of content skims the website to fetch important information in one go. To make the important information speak out from the supporting content one should use headings, subheadings, bullet points, no use of too lengthy paragraphs and proper use of bold in italics.

Precise (to the point)

Keeping the user instinct in mind the content should be written to the point instead of exaggeration. Writing to the point is not that easy. It takes multiple drafts to omit extra wordings and polish important information in a more crispy way.

Breakdown of Ideas

In web content writing users or readers prefer to go through with the content without giving it a second in-depth read. In one para, there should be 1 or 2 simplified ideas explained in precise form. Too long paragraphs can cause readers to skip them without having read.

Use of Keywords

In web content writing focus should be on using specific Keywords in headings, sub-headings and body of the content. Sometimes readers or users specifically look for keywords about which they want to know.

Omission of extra content

In web content writing to deliver the information concisely extra words, phrases and sentences should be omitted. This will help readers or users to digest information easily.

Restrict use of marketing language

When it is about marketing one tries to write catchy, attractive and sugar coated content. Which should be strictly avoided in web content writing. Objectives of “Writing for a Website” and “Writing for Marketing something” are way more different. Web Content writers have to provide important information and knowledge with facts and figures in a precise and clear way to the reader or user.

Skim Friendly

Web content writing should be done with a perspective of providing one read easy to digest content to the reader or user. Even though a reader or user just skims your web page your content presentation skills should make him absorb all important details in one go.

Proper use of Highlighting

In web content writing one should always focus on highlighting important facts and figures of the content. Unnecessary details should not be highlighted as it will create confusion and stuff readers mind with not so important information.

Easily identifiable Links

In web content writing there should be special focus on presenting links in the overall content. If formatting of links stays simple it won’t catch user’s or reader’s eyes. All links should be in the same colour and formatting this helps them to stand out from Content and decrease user’s and reader’s confusion.

Importance of Web Content Writing

Skillset of Web writing is very important for having a successful website. Content is the key to unlock success in the digital world. Good content on your website help you to mark green in following check boxes:

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