Social Media Marketing

It is a type of digital marketing which is often used by strategists. Social Media Marketing is the use of different social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. It is a great way to get traffic on our website organically and increase the sale of our product and services but it does not guarantee immediate results. Organic growth takes patience and consistent efforts. Though Social Media Marketing is a way to grow inorganically and comparatively it may guarantee faster results.

Term “marketing” means paid advertisement here. Process of running paid advertisements campaigns on various social media platforms is known as Social Media Marketing. Budget plays a great role here. One needs to have a good budget to start with Social Media Marketing Campaigns. It will not be a cinch, it will require consistent investment to reach the target audience from the potential audience. A strong will to dedicate required time, money or investment and efforts is important.

Different types of ads can be seen on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, YouTube and many more. All these ads can be in different forms like text, image and videos. It is an Inorganic way of driving traffic at our website with the help of social media platforms. Choosing the right type of Social Media Marketing Campaign or Ads for achieving specifically your set of goals is very important.

How many types of Social Media Ads are there?

Static Image Ads

Image ad is a very common format of ads on social media platforms these days. Image ad format has a visual element in it which helps to connect the storyline or baseline with people effectively. We can easily find Image Ads on news feeds, banners, sidebars and more. This format works more powerfully on platforms where images are the pervasive form of content like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Pinterest. We can use charts, graphs and diagrams in images to increase engagement. We can add a personalised logo of our brand on images to improve Brand Awareness.

Video Ads

Video Ad is a popular format of Social Media ads. Most people like to watch video content. Video ads clearly gain more engagement and effectiveness than other forms of content in ads. Video ads are captivating and they attract viewers easily. Businesses nowadays are investing more in podcasts, webinars and video based projects to lead greater engagement and views. Twist of Influencers add magnificent colour in the video ads.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads is a format which allows you to show multiple images and videos in one ad only. Each video and image can have different Headlines, descriptions and links. It helps to increase engagement and interest of viewers. Carousel ads can be used for different purposes like showing different features of a product, telling the story of a brand, behind the scene shots and many more like this. Carousel Ads are well supported by social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Just a tip, to make your carousel ads more effective try to keep all images and videos visually similar by regulating colour scheme, pattern, texture and effects.

Story Ads

Story ads are one of the most effective ad formats. It has short video stories promoting websites, products and services. It is specifically beneficial for time-sensitive promotions. Stories have higher visibility on social media platforms as they appear on top of the user’s feeds so they have high potential to spread brand awareness. Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat support Story ads a lot.

Message Ads

While other types of social media ads participate in marathon, Message ads are participants of Hurdle race. Most of the ad formats appear in a user’s news feed or stories. Facebook Messenger ads and LinkedIn Sponsored InMail appear as a message. Facebook Messenger Ads appear in the user’s chats tab in between their conversation. Interested users can tap on them and they can have conversations with your brand or they will be redirected to your products and services. It is almost like you are walking around the market and a seller comes to you and personally approaches you, delivers their pitch to you and even though you didn’t show interest, you will be in their conversion list.

Collection Ads

This type of ad format comes among one of the best Social Media Ad formats. It includes a cover photo or video which is followed by smaller product images with price details of your products and services. It almost looks like a Storefront that allows your target audience to simply purchase your products and services without leaving the Social Media Platform. It helps to increase user’s interests and lead conversions impressively. Collection ads are mostly supported by Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. In short you will have an upgraded small store on Social Media Platforms to entertain your clients by simply providing them an immersive and rich visual experience.

What do we do in SMM?

We will collaborate with your team and will provide you qualitative content for all types of Social Media Ads. Content drives the Social Media Ad Campaigns. If you are Investing good amount of money and running an Ad campaign with full dedication and hope you might be expecting good returns from it as well. It will be very disappointing and unfortunate if after all the hard work and inputs your Ad campaign fails just because of content. To make your Investment of time, money, efforts and all Strategies, analysis and planning of worth you have to work on your content. Divya’s Canvas has a creative team of content writers. We will provide you content which will fill green in all the checkboxes given below:

You may reach us and share your requirements to go ahead with the mission of creating your Brand’s awareness effectively on Social Media Platforms.


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