I…a nark,
A moratorium;
Far away from blandishment,
Opponents were Mafias…

Was the witness?
When he lost his life;
Overdosed he,
Mobilised evil eye
Only on me;

Was dragged Towards Forced feeds,
Accompanied with…
Semi synthetic opioids,
Heroin and Cocaine,
Loaded syringes,

Hung my personality,
Fought with inner Nark
Not for a year
But for a decade… without practically…

‘I’ refers to a ‘Passionate Nark’ here who was a supporter of police and witness of a drug overdose case. Further he was forced and tortured by the mafia and at last the torture done by them overpowered Nark and provoked him to be a drug addict himself. His weak will welcomed destruction in his life, he was like a walking dead body with no practicality.

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