Comfortable zone is everyone's choice but femineity is bound to Uncomfortable zone.

Fish Out of Water

I will learn how to swim,
Deep beneath the drought with even burnt skin;
I can be the tin; I can be the bin.
But more than that I will never forget to swim;

Respect from a man not from egoistic anonymous for a female always be threat for gender domination.

He In Her

The world is behind me,
But I bend in front of them;
No one knows this mystery,
In every way I am hidden in them;

Sometimes fantasies give more pleasure than reality.

City Life

Yes, it’s me
Wild fantasy,
To ride my bike
For a ramble on roads;
Cheerful majestic,
Breeze blowing my hair;
Under the light of
Sparkling stars;

Feminism groomed itself as per the demand of ages.

Feminism 2.O

The wall whose mason are you,
With cement of preservative thoughts;
They are enough to make me claustrophobic,
They make me very suffocated in their tiny holes;

Dreams can really cherish your day with new thoughts.

Dreamt a Morning in Morning

Aroma of wet soil and fresh blooming buds,
Dragged me towards the inviting casement;
My face felt those rain drops with blush,
The dewy vision which I saw cherished my day with excitement;