What Society Says

A note for youngsters
Which has voice of youth embedded
To take the charge positively
To uncover hijackers of our dreams
Colour of my sky

If Life exists in alive,
Dreams die in it,
If alive has Confusion,
Sometimes clarity drives it,
Alive has only two ears
Hustle of Multiple opinions exists
Hunger to live all dreams
Then pressure of society kills
Declamation on Entrepreneurship

True Entrepreneurship needs a doer not a dreamer.
Dreaming is the start of the journey to achieve our goals though. But only dreaming is nothing more than scribbling based on your thoughts. Execution is the hook here. If there is no execution, our plan automatically will become dormant. Entrepreneurship is action oriented, it may be the research work, resources collection and many more.

Worried me in some minutes
As clock’s hands move
Rotation after rotation
Hence, overthinking was proved.

Abusers who say
They are Hu-man
You are right as you are
Hungry Unrepentant Man
Impatient cruel women

I promised a book
of dreams to myself
I promised a holder
of achievement to myself
From Nights to Mornings

I remember when I slept everything was so silent and dead. I was so stressed and sad. I had a bad day and a bad evening completely messed up. All alone I was in bed with tears, my tissues and some anxious breaths. I was breathing but choking too.

Do we know anyone? Do we know ourselves? Okay, if we know then how much? We think we know everyone. We are humans, social beings. Socialising is our nature. We never live alone, we are surrounded with so many people.
Under the Elms

While waiting
A being
not a fine wine
with popped clogs
In bright darkness
To shackle a spirit
Hope and Motivation

A ray of hope and a word of motivation can sprinkle the fragrance of enthusiasm and desire in life of a person who is lost in darkness.
Dumped Under Trash

Just see the irony
You created yourself
You wanted to live in villa
instead of almost dead under trash
What Is Success?

Yes, we are successful when we think about this question. It means we are analysing and observing ourselves. We are successful when we allocate the scope of improvement. But when we desire for everything in excess, we are not really successful.
Understand This Being a Man

Understand this…
Need of the hour is just your expression,
Not of the ego but of loneliness and depression;
Humans: Emotions and Thoughts

What’s the point of living in such a situation? If we put ourselves secondary and other people as primary in our life. At the end of the day, we have to face ourselves?
Handmade Chocolate Workshop in College

Whole time I was observing that students were participating with so much interest. Even though they had special abilities and challenges in their lives they were so confident, enthusiastic. There was a will to learn something new and respect for seniors and teachers in their eyes both were mind-blowing. I experienced the joy of doing teamwork and we packed chocolates in beautiful colourful wrappers.
You are a Poet

You are a poet
As you wrote, so what three lines
Food is hunger
Clothes are stroke of mud
Oh, shelter is sky
I in Crowd

What matters is disgust
Grinding two beans
I have unknown voices
roaming around me

It’s you, It’s me
Or say we are we
You criticize
I hold it in myself
I doubt its beauty…
Anxious Silence

No freedom, no rights…
Listening to something
Something horrible
Yes, it is that only
Juggle is not
Key to success
It’s just a process
Curious Kiddos

‘I’ (Baby boss).
I love to listen to lullabies of my own choice. Lullaby which never ends, like twenty-four seven I just have to keep going for it. Whenever I play, crawl, peep and eat it’s just a lullaby everywhere.
Roasted Colour

Roast yourself every day, you will love its strong colour on you. Divya’s Canvas To know more about this, what author wants to say in this quote, please click here.
Happy Lohri 2023

This Lohri
Let’s give us
Contrasting colours of fire
With every new breath…

Believe in yourself, stop making others believe you. Divya’s Canvas
Walk towards Destination

Creating bridges of ambition is not enough, make sure you walk on them. Divya’s Canvas

Life seems short when we plan but it’s long when we act. Divya’s Canvas

If you are confused, you are one step closer to success. Divya’s Canvas

And Friends,
Turns it towards the next tune,
When She Swapped Her Poshak!

Embroidered with,
Slight attitude and sturdiness;
She broke the heel of aitraaz,
Experienced a barefoot walk…
Smallest Coffins Are the Heaviest

Mr. Moneybags
In the crematorium…
Disturbance in social accord
Where Am I?

It’s only you…
on calls, on texts;
you only talk…