She is Angella so what? Her journey is not less than her enemy.

Journey Of an Angella

In deep darkness, in the silence,
I found myself sparkling, with some brilliance;
In the warmth and the secure ride,
In the stomach of my mother of life;

A smile is not just a curve on our face, it is something miraculous.

Smile of One: Smile of All

Such people who know how to smile or whose smile seems like a reflection of their pure heart have a unique quality in them to make others smile blissfully are really miraculous.

Difficult situations can get resolved easily if we have our dad with us.

Miss You Dad!

Mind was not accepting reality,
Heart was feeling very proud;
Today he may not be alive,
But his efforts lie in the crowd;

Respect from a man not from egoistic anonymous for a female always be threat for gender domination.

He In Her

The world is behind me,
But I bend in front of them;
No one knows this mystery,
In every way I am hidden in them;

Experience is a big word which does not have 'A' of Ages in its spell.


Age of person was the common and most highlighted factor. Which kept a restriction on youth of that era to be a good explorer, idol, problem solver, confident in their personality.

Feminism groomed itself as per the demand of ages.

Feminism 2.O

The wall whose mason are you,
With cement of preservative thoughts;
They are enough to make me claustrophobic,
They make me very suffocated in their tiny holes;

Dreams can really cherish your day with new thoughts.

Dreamt a Morning in Morning

Aroma of wet soil and fresh blooming buds,
Dragged me towards the inviting casement;
My face felt those rain drops with blush,
The dewy vision which I saw cherished my day with excitement;