Angel Of Darkness

Blur for first, got disappeared by last,
Mysterious was time, blindfolded with dark;
Fish Out of Water

I will learn how to swim,
Deep beneath the drought with even burnt skin;
I can be the tin; I can be the bin.
But more than that I will never forget to swim;
Fear Of Life and Death

One moment it makes us laugh,
Another moment it makes us cry;
Sometimes we have to run very fast,
At some times we have to be a tortoise;
Miss You Dad!

Mind was not accepting reality,
Heart was feeling very proud;
Today he may not be alive,
But his efforts lie in the crowd;
Home: Painted with Blood

That kitchen cooked rotten food,
To serve her in that terrible hell;
Her chapped lips marinated with blood,
Felt burnt at every attempt to touch;
Unknown Speakers of Society

Why do they always suspect me?
Why can’t they ever be wrong?
Why do they keep bullying others?
Why can’t they be engaged on their own?
Sense of Comparison

I’m compared;
Letting down is really,
Not my mood;
Someone’s zone can’t be,
Frame for me to fit;
Paradox Of Choices

When someone is closest to you,
Must be very far from you;
When someone is far from you,
Might be there only for you;
Feminism 2.O

The wall whose mason are you,
With cement of preservative thoughts;
They are enough to make me claustrophobic,
They make me very suffocated in their tiny holes;
Bleeding Hearts

Love and care are expectations,
Like the heart of poison;
From outside it is outstanding,
Deep inside its bleeding;
Era of Misunderstanding

“Never take your close one’s for-granted …do respect their feelings…Do pamper them…Also make sure your presence makes them feel secure.”
That one Satisfying Bite

That first byte for her was the satisfactory ultimate pleasure as she missed her mother’s love, care and motivational moves.
Cafeteria: Passionate Success

Her mother was proud of her as she proved herself as her father’s shadow.