We all know donating blood means giving life and to spread this important message projects are given to students. As this is a vast topic and questions are How to make Blood Donation Poster? And Blood Donation poster ideas.

This project is a part of “School Project: Drawing and Painting”. In this project we were asked to make a poster on Half Chart Paper size. In the poster client wanted us to make a giant blood drop which is doodled and has hands and legs. Blood drop was supposed to be personified. Client asked us to make a banner pasted on sticks which is held by that blood drop. 

We started work on the project as per the client’s requirement. We divided the chart in 2 sections. In the 1st section we drew a banner and its sticks. In the 2nd section we drew a blood drop holding that banner. We painted the banner in grey colour and blood drop in deep red colour. We gave a 3D effect to the blood drop by adding details with the help of a sketch to show reflection.

Then we wrote a message in the banner “Donate Blood”. In this way on the basis of the colour code and theme we completed this school project for the notice board activity. Client liked our work and their ward proudly showcased it at school’s notice board.

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