Child who doesn't have mom knows her importance more than any of us.

Mummy’s Luck 🤞🏻

Lucky me
Lucky you
We have our loving moms…
Not hung by
“Blood is thicker than water norm”

For those little breaths
Sunken hearts
Waited for a mom
But got a step one

Departed from mother’s love
Care and warm gesture
With cureless wounds at heart
Worthless was every
Single drop of their tears

Lost those saree corners
To wipe their hidden troubles
Meal was not served with sides of love
Lost those precious forced bites
To fill their empty stomach

Lucky me, lucky you
We have our moms pull our ears
We have her voice to pamper fears
We have that sider of love to eat
No matter, it’s chapati and salt to sear…

Making Mother’s Day special which is nearby,
Little tribute to all mothers and their synonym figures…

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