Ages which bound ask us to unite.

Lost Soul: Alzheimer’s

Once, I had done a big mistake,
When only my soul was at sake;

Colour of my face was fading as of paled,
Cyclone of misunderstandings was at ramble on my way;
She was so precious what should I say,
After all she was unknown to this fact that I was a prey;

Something threatening was paved on my way,
My soul acted strange to me it screamed in me whole day;
It was hollow excessively in me,
It was a heartbreak I forgot even my name;

Felt so lonely dumped into unwanted place,
Alzheimer’s was my companion at bridge of my old age;
I’m trying hard to take my soul back on track with me,
Even it’s terrible that no one is waiting for me on doorsteps;

As our soul is our one-time password for life,
Losing it is just like excess robbery affected to our life;
I am a walking dead body without my memory,
It’s better to be in a coffin, as per my sight…

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