“Dreams are the bone marrow of our lives.”

Almighty blessed humans with complexity and intellectuality with emotions. We all have different phases in the journey of our lives. Reasoning is an ability and at the same time a disability for us. We think a bit, we think more and then we end up overthinking.

We live a life full of factors which are as complicated as our nature. We keep on doing activities to compensate for our past, to make our present progressive and to secure our future. Succumbing to various responsibilities and situations, we frequently change our priorities. We rarely acknowledge that we pick so many baggage of regrets, guilt, ifs and buts, which kills us slowly deep inside. Due to the pressure of external backlogs and internal chaos we forget our own existence.

What’s the point of living in such a situation? If we put ourselves secondary and other people as primary in our life. At the end of the day, we have to face ourselves? One should try to come out of one’s inner chaos and give priority to oneself. We have to break the chain of overthinking and shed the baggage we carry. We should try to keep our goals and priorities in front of us. We have to learn how to respect ourselves by introspection, otherwise we will lose our identity and individuality. We can still take charge of our life by respecting our instinct, point of view, choice, decisions, priorities, goals and dreams.

Adding to that, we can start from writing our thoughts and problems in a diary. There is plethora of ways to collect and filter our thoughts like blogging, writing journals and podcasting, but the central idea is to clear our thoughts by sharing with someone. I also learnt a lot from my experiences and collected, shared and filtered my thoughts by writing.

If I can do it, so can you.

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