I am the baby boss.
Have you ever seen a ghost?
I see ghosts everyday …You can call me a Ghostbuster.

I was sleeping 😴…

It was time to wake up. I sang my favourite song (cry) to tell everyone I am awake. Two big hands came towards my tiny jelly-like stomach and picked me up.
I don’t know what’s the problem but after waking up I always see ghosts (Parents). They take me in their arms and start making weird faces. They take out their tongue, stretch their cheeks, blink their eyes repeatedly and what not…

You just imagine that you are sitting peacefully and someone came in front of you and started making weird faces so close to your face…Why don’t they understand that coming in front of my face and peeping is not the right way and place to do their facial exercises. As I could only see ghosts who were teasing me. I am left with the only option to enjoy my music (cry). They enjoyed being ghosts.

Now, Do You know what I just ate?

I ate the yellow liquid (cereal ack). I love to play Holi with that one bowl full of yellow things. First on the floor, then on the ghost’s face and then on clothes. But still I ate only two spoons. Then I blew bubbles of saliva, as witnessed by liquid which ran out of my mouth to tease my clothes. Finally digested…
Oops, the ghost (mum) forgot to use a magical bib on me…

But after having magical syrup I am energetic…

Time to teach a lesson and complete my job…
Again, two hands somehow caught me from the floor. They adjusted my crab-like legs in their arms. One here one there… It was a good time to use my energy.

I located the target (cheeks) by holding the face. I activated my crab-like hands and started slapping and scratching. I love to sing my raga (seven notes of scream and laughter) while doing it. I continued until those hands left me back on the floor.
Aww…Ghost ran away…

Yes, one task done again. I did my job as a ghostbuster.
I enjoyed my victory by laying on the floor. Roll and roll like a rolling pin…But for how long I will message the floor…to avoid boredom I picked my teether and did its makeup with my saliva as only I am the professional.
After five to ten minutes, I saw two ghosts coming towards me with my clothes and bathtub in their hands as if they were professionals. But I wanted to wear the same clothes as they had traces of Holi I played. Noo…run…oh I can’t… I started crawling…
These ghosts…ran…
While I am crawling let me tell you a secret, mum and dad are my ghosts because they always fight for me to say Mumma and Pappa. So sweet ghosts, right? Oops…bang at wall…I am bad at multitasking…

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